Kavya Wadhwa
Founder at Skillymilli
The insomniac Night of 10th June
आगे निकलने की होड़ में इतना आगे निकल आया हूं की , लगने लगा है की रकीब दोस्त का मंज़र कितना खुशनुमा था , सोचा की जिंदगी में लम्हे आगे कितने हसीन होंगे, फिर चला इस कदर की वाक़ई हसीन लम्हों से अलविदा हो चला, सोचा था सब कुछ थमेगा एक मोड़ पर आकर ,…
Social Media: The game of manipulation
Have a glance at any social media platform and you’ll see folks creating content, but not because of heartfelt motivation or intuition to create content, but rather because the massive giants put forth content creation as a commodity, as if it is like cocaine. In order to avoid becoming addicted to creating content purely for…
Is the Startup ecosystem in India the next dot-com boom?
There has been a great deal of wealth created overnight by the new companies, but the scenario has changed now, after the global pandemic and unexpected insomnia for the global economy, governments have found printing money the least destructive way to stop the people from going bankrupt, In addition to the excessive printing of money,…
Physics is the ultimate death warrant for the universe?
Physics is the ultimate death warrant for the universe?. Hey everybody Time is an illusion: Our naive perception of its flow doesn’t correspond to physical reality. Even albert einstein’s relativistic space-time — an elastic manifold that contorts so that local times differ depending on one’s relative speed or proximity to a mass — is just…
The human tongue is a beast that few can master !
The human tongue is a beast that few can master Vivamus vitae neque molestie, porta libero sed, tincidunt leo. In nec posuere odio, id rhoncus lorem. Proin id erat ut dolor condimentum viverra. Praesent viverra sed dolor ac luctus. Praesent placerat id lorem quis lacinia. Once the words are out, you cannot take them back….
Designing the Perfect Feature Comparison Table
In non arcu turpis. Pellentesque ornare tortor at condimentum pulvinar. Vivamus ultrices nisi sed est scelerisque, vel suscipit libero luctus. Cras magna nulla, suscipit in vulputate a, consequat egestas sem. Ut commodo eget velit nec egestas. Donec porta lorem vel neque varius aliquet. Nam convallis lacus ac lectus posuere bibendum. Sed sollicitudin nulla vel urna…
Social Media : The slow cynide
Hey Wassup stalker👋 I just got into the podcast making in 2022, released my 1st podcast on the January 1st and got a brilliant response. Seriously this is the wonderful content you have chosen for the podcast. No doubt very few understands that social media is no less than a slow poison. You have decoratively…
Why I Switched to Sketch For UI Design
Integer dapibus sapien massa, in mattis magna commodo id. Vivamus tempor ullamcorper auctor. Aenean non bibendum magna, quis tempor ligula. Donec viverra lobortis libero, non feugiat nulla vehicula id. Ut posuere tellus in gravida ullamcorper. Nulla ut pellentesque velit. Mauris scelerisque auctor convallis. Sed tincidunt finibus est, nec convallis sem placerat eget. Donec tempor mauris…
Creative and Innovative Navigation Designs
Etiam interdum vulputate risus, vitae elementum neque consectetur sed. Donec at risus dui. Ut in suscipit neque. Vestibulum sit amet lobortis magna, commodo venenatis ante. Cras molestie, ex a auctor lacinia, risus est aliquam risus, sit amet semper purus tortor id ante. Donec lacus ipsum, porttitor et libero a, fringilla auctor quam. Sed in nisl…
6 Easy Steps to Better Icon Design
Phasellus volutpat congue augue, a tincidunt velit consequat pulvinar. Proin pharetra, tortor sed efficitur egestas, massa lorem eleifend tortor, eget interdum dolor neque vitae dui. Etiam vitae pharetra justo. Sed dictum vulputate cursus. Nulla consectetur purus in interdum interdum. Donec ornare dui mi, vitae consectetur ex tempor ut. Aliquam ultricies tristique arcu, laoreet elementum nunc…